08 October 2011

end of the week totals and it's my 20 yr high reunion

this weeks totals:
distance: 15.86 miles
duration: 2:45:37
avg page: 10:27/mi
calories burned:  2289

totals since september:
distance:  64 miles
duration:  10:58:40
avg pace: 10:18
calories burned: 9091

today was the last day of my first week.  i'd say i got through it rather well.  now, i have extra logged miles to look forward to each week.  i feel good though.  i am excited.  my applications for both races i signed for have both been accepted.  so, i am locked in.  one step closer to my goal and one week down as well.  i decided to include totals from before the actual program started.  technically i did start training in september to get myself ready for this first week.  i needed to make sure that i could do the workout.
if i can keep this up, i'll just do weekly totals until the end of the month where i will include monthly totals and grand totals.

i had a long slow run today.  i think maybe i went a little too slow but i'm just feeling it out right now.  the goal is to finish not beat a world record.  that's the goal of any regular person running their first marathon. "complete, not compete".

i did have a bit a of scare last night.  well, more like an over reaction.  i've been working hard towards preparing my self for the challenge ahead.   it's a goal that means quite a bit to me.  will i complete it?  i'm not sure, but i'm going to give it my my best.  however, during a cue in the show last night, i was moving moving a set piece, my knee was hit by a plate that a part of the piece.  this should not had happened if the person that was next to me would have gotten off of their fat butt and moved like everyone that runs that track.  this forced me to adjust and as i was doing it, my knee took a painful shot.  i was livid.  i have been talking a lot about wanting to do this.  i have to finish this.  as much as i talk about it.  i think i need to play it down more and keep it to myself.  that's why i share here now.  this is for those who care to follow.

that being said, my 20yr high school reunion is this weekend.  as a matter of fact, as of this writing my classmates are attending a football game that i'm listening to right now.  it's unfortunate that i can't be there and that the team is not doing well.  sounds like they are about to be handed their first loss of the season.  when word went out that this was going to happen, there was no set date or anything at the moment.  i was so ready to attend.  that was also when i was still in japan or even before that.  i could have gone because i had the the time to do it, but i made a move career wise and it didn't play out for me.  now, i'm outside (way outside) looking in.  i'm living vicariously through social media.  i hope there are some great pictures posted.  i could have shared some interesting stories about my life since high school.  i always thought i'd be that guy that would have had the most uninteresting life after high school.  that's totally not the case.  well, at the 10 year reunion it really was.  it was like i haven't done anything with my life.  i was just waiting my turn, i guess.  now, what a difference 10yrs makes.  the stars aligned, and i was able to do some stuff and have a lot of fun.

anyways, what does that have to do with running.  i get to think a lot about things when i run, but when i finish, i never remember any of it.  i just remember if it was a good run or bad run.  today's was good though.  i was able to finish pain free.  i was relaxed the entire run i tried to keep it slow.  i didn't go out fast.  i did what i was instructed to do according to my training program.  the long days are supposed to be slow.  that's where i help my body to last through the long arduous task of the marathon.  i'll get excited the closer i get to the race and when i do the long runs and accomplishing distances i haven't done before.

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