17 October 2011

finish this!!

this weeks totals:
distance: 16.64 miles
duration: 2:51:59
avg page: 10:18/mi
calories burned:  2363

now that we got last week's numbers out of the way, let's get on with this.  sorry, it's been a few days.  i meant to post after my last run which was saturday.

i don't know how long i can keep this up.  you know, thinking of something to write.  so, the frequency of the writing may be reduced to a summary of the week or what else is on my mind about this ordeal.  what's on my mind this time?  finish.

finish.  it's a simple term.  it's signifies completion.  i've committed myself to doing this.  i'm excited and nervous at the same time.  i'm excited because it's something i've never done before and look forward to doing.  hopefully, i'll be able to do it more than once as long as my body can take it and stay healthy.  speaking of which, i hope it stays that way so i can run hong kong.  i'm so pumped for this.  i'm almost so pumped that i'm afraid that i' may not complete the race.  

i'm going to be so nervous until i cross that starting line.  from that point on, i will try to focus on the run, but i want to have fun while i do it.  hong kong is such a big city.  i'll get to see quite a bit of it by foot, of course.  haha!  i'll be the only person i know that has ran that race.  

what makes me more nervous is not crossing the finish line.  i talk a lot about my training.  i am sure people are very tired of hearing about it and seeing my posts online.  you know what?  screw them.  i'm on facebook as much as the next person.  i see post after post.  some are cool.  some are... whatever.   i don't think much about what other people post.  i shouldn't say it like that.  what i mean is that when i see post after post of what some one did last night or a picture of someone's feet with the ocean in the background,  i don't say to myself, "oh here we go again" or "can they post something different."

the more i talk about it, the more pressure i feel to have to complete the run.  i feel like i'm obligated to do it just to save myself some embarrassment.  you know what?  to hell with that.  i'm going to do the best i can.  if i can't finish, i can't finish.  there are plenty of factors that could cause me not to cross that finish line.  if i make to the starting line, it will be an accomplishment.  then, from there i just got to stay on my feet and not give up.  i'm working hard to get to the starting line.  i would more disappointed in myself if i didn't try.

1 comment:

  1. I think you're doing awesome man, the key is just staying motivated and wanting to achieve your goals. As for material to write, you don't always have to write long posts - simple paragraph posts can get your point across; as well as posting a photo. I also started a blog a while back, about Morgan - it's a growing blog that grows with him; each day something new. Once you complete this goal, you can start blogging about the many other things in your life - hell, you can start several blogs at one time. Hang in there man.
