12 October 2011

rain, rain go away!

i couldn't think of a title for this post.  so, i thought the cheesiness of today's title would suffice.  however, it could not be further from the truth.

we're still pretty much in the midst of the rainy time of year.  i cannot stand the rain.  i have learned to deal with it though.  no, problem.  it wasn't too bad today anyways.  the humidity kicked my tail.  i had a lot of trouble breathing at the beginning.  i was soaked to the core from that more than the light sprinkle that happened half way through the run.  unless it pouring outside, a ligt rain isn't going to bother me.

it was when i was in portland that i had quickly accept the fact that i might have to deal with the rain.  until, then i had either ran most of the time on a treadmill or in picture perfect weather.  until, then i had spent the fall and winter in southern california.  i'm not complaining or anything.  the weather was amazing.  during the fall of 2009 i was running through venice beach.  well, at the time i was just finishing a 12 week walk to run program which led to my addiction to running.

anyways, portland.  the pacific northwest.  when isn't it raining?  it was early spring that i was there.  so, it was still a bit cool outside.  i have never been the cold weather type of person.  that spring was the first time that it had really rained when i had been out on a run.  i lucked out most of the times, but there was one time it was very wet and cold.  i was about 1/2 mile away from where i was staying when what had been drizzle the entire time turned in to a  rain shower.  i kept moving and was determined to finish the run.  undaunted, i carried on.  i had no where to duck from the rain.  my t-shirt was laughable.  all of my clothes where like they had been dipped in a pool.  i was freezing.  i thought more about finishing my workout than being wet or cold.  i would be there in portland that i run my first 5k ever.  i was hooked after that.  3 weeks later i would run another.  on a harder course and set a PR in the process.

it wouldn't be until the fall of 2010 that i found out i prefer to run in cool weather.  it's the only time i like to bundle up.  even then i'm not wearing much as far as clothing is concerned but i'm not going to freeze when i'm outside.  i was in calgary this time last year.  by this time last year i was going on the longest runs i had ever done.  i had also been waking up extremely early to get the workouts in because i had no idea how the runs would take me.  i just new i had to go out and run.  when i finished, i finished.  during my time there it just continued to get cold and i loved it.  i took almost 2 miles before i was completely warmed up.

i had also, unknowingly, finally had control over my breathing when i run.  i don't know how it happened, i just noticed.  maybe it had something to do with the fact that i was running at altitude.  anyways, i found that properly clothed for the weather helps me to continue to train without too much hinderance.

so, rain or shine, hot or cold.  i will be out there training.  okay except maybe for the heat part.

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